Gender Analysis in Economics @ Peradeniya (GAP)


2019 2018 2017    

2018 August

Stakeholder workshops were held in Colombo and Peradeniya with employers of potential candidates including members of the corporate sector, government, NGOs, and academics to generate awareness about the initiative, gather feedback on knowledge, training and research gaps, facilitate networking opportunities with partner organizations and foster an ethos of gender-sensitive analysis in economic issues.

Lighting the traditional oil lamp at the stakeholder workshop held in Colombo on 28th August 2018: Prof. Floro, American University, Prof. Upul B. Dissanayake, Vice-Chancellor, University of Peradeniya, Eran Wickremaratne, State Minister of Finance, Prof. Ananda Jayawickrama, Director, PGIHS

Panel discussants: Dr. Suresh de Mel, Dr. Samanmala Dorabawila, Dr. Ramani Gunatilaka

Panel discussants Dr. Suresh de Mel, Dr. Samanmala Dorabawila, Dr. Ramani Gunatilaka, Ms. Shobana Rajendran, Dr. Bilesha Weeraratne

A section of the audience at the stakeholder workshop representing government, the corporate sector, development agencies, think-tanks, advocacy groups, academia and other nongovernmental organizations. [Above and below]

Members of corporate sector, NGOs, and academics come together to discuss crucial issues and potential solutions at the Stakeholder workshop in Colombo, August 2018.

The second stakeholder workshop on Gender Analysis in Economics was held at the University of Peradeniya on 30th August 2018. The workshop facilitated input/contributions from key Local Government offices, NGOs and academic institutions in the Kandy district.

A faculty member presents at the break-out discussion at the Stakeholder Workshop at University of Peradeniya.
Discussion of gender issues during breakout sessions at the Stakeholder Workshop at University of Peradeniya